医学与保健科学学院于2009年11月16日在拉曼大学双溪龙校区成立,提供内中医药, 外全科医学、中医药、护理与物理治疗课程,旨在成为首选的医疗卫生科学教育与研究中心。它致力提供理想的环境,以栽培知识和技能有效达致临床实践;也在医疗保健方面培养奉献、道德和专业精神的价值观和态度;培养能够为社会服务和提高生活质量的毕业生。
拉曼大学 (優大) 是马来西亚其中一所优秀评级的大学。大学的卓越成就,源自于多年来致力教学与研究工作的成果。優大是一所非营利高等教育机构,其宗旨在于为来自世界各地的学生提供可负担学费的优质高等教育。優大拥有两个校区,分别为霹雳州的金宝校区和雪兰莪州的双溪龙校区。
成立年份 | : | 2002 |
现任校长 | : | 尤芳达教授 |
学生人数 | : | 超过两万两千人 |
目前师资 | : | 两千人左右 |
硬体设备 | : | 图书馆、课室、讲堂、多元用处礼堂、实验室、多元媒体及电脑室、互联网、文具店、体育设备、无障碍设备、餐厅、治疗所、物理治疗、健身房、学生活动空间、银行/提款机、电子商务交付中心等 |
学生福利 | : | 校内保安、校车服务、课外活动包括参与学生团体活动,社区服务及体育比赛、学生交流交换计划、心理咨商与辅导、就业咨商与辅导、实习安排等 |
- 在全球高等学府排行榜榜上有名,包括泰晤士高等教育(THE)和QS世界排名。
- 拥有超过110项各领域的学习课程。
- 课程获得马来西亚政府高等教育部门、学术资格鉴定机构和20多个专业机构的承认/鉴定。
- 提供可负担学费与奖贷学金申请。
- 所有学生必须完成符合学习体验的工业实习。
- 有机会参与全球超过260所大学(包挂92所中国高校)的国际交流、交换项目。
- 毕业生在毕业六个月内的就业率高达95%-97%。
- 2021年QS亚洲大学排名第157名
- 2021年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名501-600
- 2020年泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学排名119
- 2020 年的泰晤士高等教育影响力大学排名201-300
- 2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学工程及科技专业排名601-800
- 2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学商业及经济学专业排名501+
- 2020年QS全球高校毕业生就业排名251-300
- 2017年获得马来西亚学术资格鉴定机构(MQA)颁予自行认证课程的资格
- 2017年马来西亚教育高等教育评估制度中,获评为第五级(优秀)
- 马来西亚高等教育机构(工程)学科基础级别评估制度中,获评为第五等级(优秀)
- 马来西亚高等教育机构(健康科学)学科基础级别评估制度中,获评为第五等级(良好)
- 获MDEC颁发“首要数码科技大学”认证
- STPM相关科目至少考获2-3科C; 或
- 高中统考相关科目考获5科B;或
- A水平相关科目至少考获2科及格;或
- SAM考获高等学府入学等级 (ATAR)70分,以及2个相关科目考获B;或
- CPU 6科相关科目平均考获70%;或
- SPM后完成拉曼大学相关的基础课程;或
- 拥有马来西亚国立大学预科班证书;或
- 其他同等资格。
- 双溪龙校区: 马币630-1,080/月
- 金宝校区:马币880-RM1,700/月
- 拉曼大学 优秀生学金
- 拉曼大学 统考奖学金
- 拉曼大学 体育奖学金
- 拉曼大学 才艺奖学金
Faculty | Programme Name | Level | Field | Major | Year | Local Fee | Minimum Entry Requirements | Scholarship | ||||
SPM | 0-level | STPM | A-Level | UEC | ||||||||
基础课程中心 | 文科基础课程 | 基础课程 | 文科基础课程 | 会计与管理 文学与社会科学(中文) 文学与社会科学(社会科学) 文学与社会科学(图标设计及多媒体、游戏设计与建筑) | 一年 | 马币10,150 | 5C | 5C | - | - | 3B | Yes |
基础课程中心 | 理科基础课程 | 基础课程 | 理科基础课程 | 生物科学 物理科学(工程科学) 物理科学(技术科学) | 一年 | 马币10.400 | 5C | 5C | - | - | 3B | Yes |
Faculty | Programme Name | Level | Field | Major | Year | Local Fee | Minimum Entry Requirements | Scholarship | ||||
SPM | 0-level | STPM | A-Level | UEC | ||||||||
医学与保健科学学院 | 中醫藥學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 中醫藥 | 五年 | 马币87,350 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
医学与保健科学学院 | 內外全科醫學士 | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 內外全科醫 | 五年 | 马币260,150 | - | - | 2C | 3D | 5B | Yes |
医学与保健科学学院 | 護理學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 護理 | 四年 | 马币66,050 | - | - | 2C | 3D | 5B | Yes |
医学与保健科学学院 | 物理治疗學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 物理治疗 | 四年 | 马币65,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 生物醫學 | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 生物醫學 | 三年半 | 马币50,450 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理学士(荣誉学位)饮食治疗学 | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 饮食治疗学 | 四年 | 马币50,550 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理学士 (荣誉学位)农业科学 | 本科/学士学位 | 农业及食品科学 | 农业科学 | 三年 | 马币45,000 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理学士 (荣誉学位) 食品科学 | 本科/学士学位 | 农业及食品科学 | 食品科学 | 三年 | 马币45,000 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 生物化學 | 本科/学士学位 | 生命科学及物理 | 生物化學 | 三年 | 马币45,000 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 生物科技 | 本科/学士学位 | 生命科学及物理 | 生物科技 | 三年 | 马币44,950 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 化學 | 本科/学士学位 | 生命科学及物理 | 化學 | 三年 | 马币45,000 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 微生物 | 本科/学士学位 | 生命科学及物理 | 微生物 | 三年 | 马币44,950 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 物流及国际船运 | 本科/学士学位 | 精算学、数学及流程管理 | 物流及国际船运 | 三年 | 马币42,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
理学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 統計計算與作業研究 | 本科/学士学位 | 精算学、数学及流程管理 | 統計計算與作業研究 | 三年 | 马币42,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 電子工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 電子工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 環境工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 環境工程 | 四年 | 马币51,900 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 工業工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 工業工程 | 四年 | 马币51,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 石油化學工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 石油化學工程 | 四年 | 马币52,050 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 建築管理 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 建築管理 | 三年 | 马币45,200 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 科技學士(荣誉学位)电子系统 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 电子系统 | 三年 | 马币47,450 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 科技學士(荣誉学位)工业管理 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 工业管理 | 三年 | 马币44,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 理学士(荣誉学位)环境,职业安全与健康 | 本科/学士学位 | 医学及保健科学 | 环境,职业安全与健康 | 四年 | 马币50,850 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士(榮譽學位) 精算學 | 本科/学士学位 | 精算学、数学及流程管理 | 精算學 | 三年 | 马币42,900 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士(榮譽學位)應用數學兼電腦計算 | 本科/学士学位 | 精算学、数学及流程管理 | 應用數學兼電腦計算 | 三年 | 马币42,900 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理学士 (荣誉学位) 金融数学 | 本科/学士学位 | 精算学、数学及流程管理 | 金融数学 | 三年 | 马币42,900 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位)软件工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 软件工程 | 三年 | 马币42,600 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 生物醫學工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 生物醫學工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位)化學工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 化學工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位)土木工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 土木工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 電子(電腦網絡) | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 電子(電腦網絡) | 四年 | 马币51,500 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位)電子通訊工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 電子通訊工程 | 四年 | 马币51,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 電機及電子工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 電機及電子工程 | 四年 | 马币51,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位)材料及制造工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 材料及制造工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 機械工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 機械工程 | 四年 | 马币51,750 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程學士(榮譽學位) 機電工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 機電工程 | 四年 | 马币51,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 建筑 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 建筑 | 三年 | 马币45,050 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 建築估算 | 本科/学士学位 | 理科、科技及建筑环境 | 建築估算 | 四年 | 马币48,450 | - | - | 2C | 3D | 5B | Yes |
李光前 理工学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 物理學 | 本科/学士学位 | 生命科学及物理 | 物理學 | 三年 | 马币44,150 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 電腦科學學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 電腦科學 | 三年 | 马币43,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 資訊系統學士(榮譽學位) 商業資訊系統 | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 商業資訊系統 | 三年 | 马币43,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 資訊系統學士(榮譽學位) 資訊系統工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 資訊系統工程 | 三年 | 马币43,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 資訊科技學士(榮譽學位) 通訊與網絡 | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 通訊與網絡 | 三年 | 马币42,800 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 資訊科技學士(榮譽學位)電腦工程 | 本科/学士学位 | 资讯及通讯科技 | 電腦工程 | 三年 | 马币43,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政学士(荣誉学位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 工商行政 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政學士 (榮譽學位)銀行及金融 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 銀行及金融 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政學士 (榮譽學位)企業 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 企業 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政学士 (荣誉学位) 零售管理 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 零售管理 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 商學士 (榮譽學位) 會計學 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 會計學 | 三年 | 马币43,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 經濟學士(榮譽學位)財務經濟 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 財務經濟 | 三年 | 马币41,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 金融學士 (榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 金融 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
工商与金融学院 | 市場營銷學士 (榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 市場營銷 | 三年 | 马币41,700 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
会计与管理学院 | 會計學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商学及经济 | 會計 | 四年 | 马币49,200 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
会计与管理学院 | 建筑與物业管理學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商学及经济 | 建筑與物业管理 | 三年 | 马币43,300 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
会计与管理学院 | 經濟學士(榮譽學位) 環球經濟 | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商学及经济 | 環球經濟 | 三年 | 马币43,050 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
会计与管理学院 | 國際工商學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 会计、商学及经济 | 國際工商 | 三年 | 马币43,400 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 文學士 (榮譽學位) 英文教育 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 英文教育 | 三年 | 马币40,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 文學士 (榮譽學位) 英文 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 英文 | 三年 | 马币40,350 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 傳播學士(榮譽學位) 新聞學 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 新聞學 | 三年 | 马币42,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 傳播學士 (榮譽學位) 廣告學 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 廣告學 | 三年 | 马币42,450 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 傳播學士(榮譽學位) 公共關係 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 公共關係 | 三年 | 马币42,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 社會科學學士 (榮譽學位) 輔導與諮商 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 輔導與諮商 | 四年 | 马币46,600 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
文学与社会科学学院 | 社會科學學士 (榮譽學位) 心理學 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 心理學 | 三年 | 马币43,150 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
中文研究院 | 文學士 (榮譽學位)中文 | 本科/学士学位 | 中文 | 中文 | 三年 | 马币40,800 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 文學士(榮譽學位)中文媒体新聞學 | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 中文媒体新聞學 | 三年 | 马币42,400 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 企業傳播學學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 企業傳播 | 三年 | 马币42,400 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 幼兒教育學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 文学、社会科学及教育 | 幼兒教育 | 三年 | 马币42,200 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 文學士 (榮譽學位) 數碼動畫 | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 數碼動畫 | 三年 | 马币42,100 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 文學士(榮譽學位) 游戏設計 | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 游戏設計 | 三年 | 马币42,450 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 文學士 (榮譽學位) 圖表設計及多媒體 | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 圖表設計及多媒體 | 三年 | 马币42,400 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 傳播學士 (榮譽學位) 廣播學 | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 廣播學 | 三年 | 马币42,650 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 媒體與創意學學士(榮譽學位) | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 媒體與創意學 | 三年 | 马币42,450 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
创意产业学院 | 理學士 (榮譽學位) 游戏開發 | 本科/学士学位 | 创意学及设计 | 游戏開發 | 三年 | 马币41,800 | - | - | 2C | 2D | 5B | Yes |
Faculty | Programme Name | Level | Field | Major | Year | Local Fee | Mode of Studies | Minimum Entry Requirements | Scholarship |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政硕士(企业管理) | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 工商行政 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 21,422 在职生:马币 22,231 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above, in any discipline from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50, in any discipline from UTAR and show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience* (3) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to 1 or 2 and from another recognized University/Institution, as approved by the Senate** * Five (5) years working experience means any working experience after obtaining the qualification which period shall also include practical training and any industrial attachment. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL In addition to the academic requirements a candidate is also required to possess an English Language certification - IELTS Academic : 6.0/equivalent | No |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政硕士 | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 工商行政 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 20,929 在职生:马币 21,738 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above, in any discipline from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50, in any discipline from UTAR and show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience* (3) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to 1 or 2 and from another recognized University/Institution, as approved by the Senate** * Five (5) years working experience means any working experience after obtaining the qualification which period shall also include practical training and any industrial attachment. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL In addition to the academic requirements a candidate is also required to possess an English Language certification - IELTS Academic : 6.0/equivalent | No |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政硕士(建筑管理) | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 工商行政 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 20,929 在职生:马币 21,738 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above, in any discipline from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50, in any discipline from UTAR and show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience* (3) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to 1 or 2 and from another recognized University/Institution, as approved by the Senate** * Five (5) years working experience means any working experience after obtaining the qualification which period shall also include practical training and any industrial attachment. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL In addition to the academic requirements a candidate is also required to possess an English Language certification - IELTS Academic : 6.0/equivalent | No |
工商与金融学院 | 工商行政硕士(企业监管) | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 工商行政 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 20,929 在职生:马币 21,738 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above, in any discipline from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50, in any discipline from UTAR and show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience* (3) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to 1 or 2 and from another recognized University/Institution, as approved by the Senate** * Five (5) years working experience means any working experience after obtaining the qualification which period shall also include practical training and any industrial attachment. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL In addition to the academic requirements a candidate is also required to possess an English Language certification - IELTS Academic : 6.0/equivalent | No |
工商与金融学院 | 房地产开发硕士 | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 房地产开发 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 20,930 在职生:马币 21,740 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4). Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate * Five (5) years working experience means any working experience after obtaining the qualification which period shall also include practical training and any industrial attachment. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL In addition to the academic requirements a candidate is also required to possess an English Language certification - IELTS Academic : 6.0/equivalent | No |
工商与金融学院 | 哲学硕士 | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 会计、商业及经济 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 工程硕士(电子系统) | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 17,409 在职生:马币 18,218 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 永续建筑管理硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 17,400 在职生:马币 18,150 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 环境科技硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 17,350 在职生:马币 17,950 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 理工科硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 项目管理硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 17,300 在职生:马币 22,250 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in any discipline field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in any discipline from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in any discipline from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate In addition to the academic requirment, an applicant is also required to meet the required English Language requirement before being admitted into the programme of study. | No |
文学与社会科学学院 | 策略传播硕士 | 硕士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 媒体与传播 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 16,200 在职生:马币 16,200 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
文学与社会科学学院 | 心理学硕士(工业与组织心理学) | 硕士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 心理学 | 全职生:1.5年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 11,500 在职生:马币 11,500 | 混合制 | (1) A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology or its equivalent with minimum CGPA 2.75 out of 4.00; or Note: A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology not meeting CGPA of 2.75 (but not lower than 2.5) can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment by an independent review panel. (2) A Bachelor’s Degree with minimum CGPA 2.75 out of 4.00 in any field, and a minimum 45 credits of prerequisites modules in Psychology or its equivalent (covering all eight Knowledge Areas highlighted in pages 13 – 14 of Programme Standards: Psychology) with a minimum CGPA 2.75 out of 4.00 in the prerequisites modules; or (3) A Bachelor’s Degree with minimum CGPA 2.75 out of 4.00 in any field, and a minimum 30 credits of prerequisites modules in Psychology or its equivalent (covering all eight Knowledge Areas highlighted in pages 13 -14 of Programme Standards: Psychology) with a minimum CGPA 2.75 out of 4.00 in the prerequisites modules, and a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Subject Test (Psychology) with a minimum score of 550; or (4) Other relevant or equivalent qualification. ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
文学与社会科学学院 | 哲学硕士(社会科学) | 硕士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 社会科学 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 理工科硕士(电脑科学) | 硕士学位 | 资讯与通讯科技 | 电脑科学 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | 1) A Bachelor's Degree of Computing or in the area of science and technology or related to computing, with a minimum CGPA of 3.00; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree of Computing or in the area of science and technology or related to computing, with CGPA below 3.00 but above 2.50, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree of Computing or in the area of science and technology or related to computing, with CGPA less than 2.50, with a minimum of 5 years working experience in a relevant field and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
理学院 | 理科硕士 | 硕士学位 | 生命与物理科学;数学与程序管理 | 理科 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,900 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate ** UTAR welcomes applicant who does not possess entry qualification as the above. Alternatively potential applicant can apply to our programme by using APEL | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 数学硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 数学 | 全职生:1.5年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 18,150 在职生:马币 22,250 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 建筑硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 建筑 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) | 全职生:马币 26,218 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor's Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.75 in the relevant field of study from UTAR and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (3) Any other qualifications equivalent to (i) and (ii) as recognized by the Senate and Board of Architects Malaysia; and at least six months of post degree Practical Experience in a registered architect's office evidenced in a log book; and a portfolio (Working & Study portfolio) for submission and assessment Note: 1.The applicant must meet the requirements of LAM Part 1 and should attach with evidence of a letter on LAM Part 1 Accreditation from the origin Universities/ Institutions. 2.Application form should attached with the evidenced in a log book (A4 size report) on the post degree Practical Experience in a registered architect’s office ; and a portfolio (Min A3 size, hardcopy in color) | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 资讯系统硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 资讯系统 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币17,359 在职生:马币 18,118 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate Note: For candidates without Computing Degree, prerequisite modules in computing must be offered to adequately prepare them for their advanced study. | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程硕士(机械) | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 机械工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 17,359 在职生:马币 18,118 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 工程硕士(电机) | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 电机工程 | 全职生:1年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 18,169 在职生:马币 18,928 | 上课制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 理工科硕士 | 硕士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 理工 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,300 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 理科硕士 | 硕士学位 | 生命与物理科学;数学与程序管理 | 理工 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,300 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
创意产业学院 | 大众传播硕士 | 硕士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 社会与科学 | 全职生:1.5年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 10,800 在职生:马币 11,200 | 混合制 | (1) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR, or (2) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (3) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working or research experience and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University, as approved by the Senate. In addition to the academic requirment, an applicant is also required to meet the required English Language requirement (view here)before being admitted into the programme of study. | No |
创意产业学院 | 文学硕士(传播学) | 硕士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 社会与科学 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,100 在职生:马币 8,700 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR, or (2) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (3) A Bachelor’s Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working or research experience and subjected to rigorous assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University, as approved by the Senate. In addition to the academic requirment, an applicant is also required to meet the required English Language requirement (view here)before being admitted into the programme of study. | No |
中华研究院 | 中文硕士 | 硕士学位 | 中文系 | 中文系 | 全职生:1.5年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:2年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,450 在职生:马币 11,550 | 混合制 | (1) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
中华研究院 | 文学硕士(中文) | 硕士学位 | 中文系 | 中文系 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 7,750 在职生:马币 8550 | 论文制 | (1) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
会计与管理学院 | 哲学硕士 | 硕士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 会计、商业及经济 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
医学与保健科学学院 | 医学硕士 | 硕士学位 | 医学与保健科学 | 医学与保健科学 | 全职生:2年(最高修业年限4年) 在职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 9,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.75 and above or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.75 and above in a related field from UTAR; or (2) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.50 and above but less than 2.75 in a related field from UTAR and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (3) A Bachelor's Degree with Honours and CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 or a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 2.00 and above but less than 2.50 in a related field from UTAR, show evidence of at least five (5) years of relevant working experience and subjected to rigorous internal assessment; or (4) Any other academic qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) or (3) from another recognised University as approved by the Senate | No |
Faculty | Programme Name | Level | Field | Major | Year | Local Fee | Mode of Studies | Minimum Entry Requirements | Scholarship |
工商与金融学院 | 哲学博士 | 博士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 会计、商业及经济 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,900 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate | No |
文学与社会科学学院 | 哲学博士(社会科学) | 博士学位 | 文学,社会科学与教育 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 9,900 在职生:马币 10,700 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No | |
工程与绿色科技学院 | 哲学博士(工程) | 博士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,900 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No | |
理学院 | 哲学博士(科学) | 博士学位 | 生命与物理科学;数学与程序管理 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 8,350 在职生:马币 8,350 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No | |
资讯与通讯科技学院 | 哲学博士(电脑科学) | 博士学位 | 资讯与通讯科技 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,900 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No | |
会计与管理学院 | 哲学博士 | 博士学位 | 会计、商业及经济 | 会计、商业及经济 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,230 在职生:马币 12,100 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) a Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) a Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No |
创意产业学院 | 哲学博士(创意文学) | 博士学位 | 创意产业与设计 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 9,900 在职生:马币 10,700 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No | |
李光前 理工学院 | 哲学博士(工程) | 博士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 工程 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,900 | 论文制 | 1) A Master’s degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to the satisfaction of the Senate; (2) A Master’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (3) ABachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No |
李光前 理工学院 | 哲学博士(科学) | 博士学位 | 工程,科技与环境建筑 | 理科 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,150 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) Any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No |
中华研究院 | 哲学博士(中文) | 博士学位 | 中文系 | 中文系 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,450 - 12,200 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or . (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. Credit in SMP/O-level/UEC Chinese Language Examination - Pass in STPM Chinese Language; - Minimum grade A (Level 8) in Chinese Proficiency Test: HSK (The Intermediate Certificate); - Minimum level 5 in Test Of Proficiency- Huayu: TOP (Advanced level); - Level 5 (minimum 210 marks, maximum 300 out of 300 marks) in China’s New Hàny? Shu?píng K?oshì (New HSK)/ New Chinese Proficiency Test (from 2010 onwards); - Level 5 in Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) (from 2013 onward) | No |
医学与保健科学学院 | 哲学博士(医药) | 博士学位 | 医学与保健科学 | 医学与保健科学 | 全职生:3年(最高修业年限6年) 在职生:4年(最高修业年限8年) | 全职生:马币 11,150 在职生:马币 11,886 | 论文制 | (1) A Master’s Degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (2) A Master’s Degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to satisfaction of Senate; or (3) A Bachelor’s degree from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (4) A Bachelor’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or (5) any other qualifications equivalent to (1), (2) ,(3) or (4) as approved by the Senate. | No |