
Introduction to University


学校类型 : 公立
成立年份 : 1919年
现任校长 : 曹雪涛
学生人数 : 在校学生31418人,其中本科生17005人,硕士研究生10299人,博士研究生4114人。有网络专科学生40230人,网络本科学生73029人。
目前师资 : 南开大学拥有一支公能兼备、业务精湛、奋发有为、充满活力的师资队伍。有专任教师2162人。其中,博士生导师822人、硕士生导师770人,教授864人、副教授840人。
硬体设备 : 有国家级重点实验室2个,国家工程研究中心1个,2011协同创新中心3个,教育部重点实验室7个,教育部国际合作联合实验室2个,教育部工程研究中心3个,国家环境保护重点实验室1个,国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心2个,国家基础学科人才培养和科学研究基地9个,国家大学生文化素质教育基地1个,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地7个,国家创新人才培养示范基地1个,示范性国家国际科技合作基地4个,天津市重点实验室20个,天津市技术工程中心4个,天津市普通高等学校实验教学示范中心建设单位1个,天津市国际科技合作基地22个。
学生福利 : 每年南开大学都会邀请很多国际知名人士到校进行讲座,这些讲座全部对留学生免费开放;学校还会为留学生举办各类运动会、参观、联欢会等活动供大家参加;全校有百余社团供留学生选择参加。
申请网站 : https://nankai.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx


























汉语进修: 14000元/年


本科: 20000元/年(文科) 25000元/年(理科)

硕士:30000元/年(两年制) 26000元/年(三年制)











资助内容:免学费,免校内住宿费,提供来华留学生综合医疗保险,生活补贴。(登录https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login 进行申请)






http://csp.chinese.cn/myDoip 进行申请)




资助内容:免学费,免校内住宿费,提供来华留学生综合医疗保险,生活补贴。(登录http://cis.chinese.cn/account/login 进行申请)















Degree Level Fields of Disciplines Field of Study Years of Study Course Fee (CNY) Language of Teaching Faculty Campus
Bachelor Degree Chinese Language & Literature 4 20000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Bachelor Degree English 4 20000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Translation 4 20000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Japanese 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Russian 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree French 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree German 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Spanish 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Portuguese 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Italian 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Arabic 4 20000 Chinese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Bachelor Degree Chinese Language 4 20000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Bachelor Degree Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) 4 20000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Bachelor Degree Chinese Language (3+1) International Business 4 24000 Chinese+English College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Bachelor Degree Business Administration 4 20000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Bachelor Degree International Economy & Trade 4 20000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Bachelor Degree Tourism Management 4 20000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Management Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Resource Recycling Science and Engineering 4 25000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Finance 4 20000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Insurance 4 20000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Financial Engineering 4 20000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Bachelor Degree International Politics 4 20000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Sociology 4 20000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Bachelor Degree Applied Psycology 4 25000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Fundamental Mathematics 4 39000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Probability/Statistics 4 39000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Theoretical Physics 4 39000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Fundamental Mathematics 4 39000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Doctorate Degree Numerical Mathematics 4 39000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Doctorate Degree Probability/Statistics 4 39000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Doctorate Degree Applied Mathematics 4 39000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Doctorate Degree Bioinformatics 4 39000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Doctorate Degree Theoretical Physics 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Particle and Nuclear Physics 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Condensed Matter Physics 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Optics 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Physics of Life Information 4 39000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Condensed Matter Physics 4 39000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Doctorate Degree Optics 4 39000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Doctorate Degree Photonics and Photonic Technology 4 39000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Doctorate Degree Optical Engineering 4 39000 Chinese College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Electronic Science and Technology 4 39000 Chinese College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Operations Research and Cybernetics 4 39000 Chinese College of Artificial Intelligence Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Control Science and Engineering 4 39000 Chinese College of Artificial Intelligence Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Artificial Intelligence 4 39000 Chinese College of Artificial Intelligence Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Ecology 4 39000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Environmental Science 4 39000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Environmental Engineering 4 39000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Environmental Management and Economics 4 39000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Inorganic Chemistry 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Analytical Chemistry 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Organic Chemistry 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Physical Chemistry 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Polymeric Chemistry and Physics 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Chemicobiology 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Pesticide Science 4 39000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Doctorate Degree Materials Physics and Chemistry 4 39000 Chinese School of Materials Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Materials Science 4 39000 Chinese School of Materials Science and Engineering Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Phytology 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Zoology 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Microbiology 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Genetics 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Cytobiology 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4 39000 Chinese College of Life Science Balitai
Doctorate Degree Microbiology 4 39000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology TEDA
Doctorate Degree Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4 50000 Chinese College of Pharmacy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Pharmaceutics 4 50000 Chinese College of Pharmacy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Pharmacoanalysis 4 50000 Chinese College of Pharmacy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy 4 50000 Chinese College of Pharmacy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Pharmacology 4 50000 Chinese College of Pharmacy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Microbiology 4 39000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Cytobiology 4 39000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4 39000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Internal Medicine 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Gerontology 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree maging and Nuclear Medicine 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Chirurgery 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Obstetrics and Gynecology 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Ophthalmology 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Oncology 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Anesthesiology 4 50000 Chinese School of Medicine Jinnan
Doctorate Degree The Study of Art and Literature 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Chinese Philology 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Ancient Chinese Literature 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Chinese Minority Language and Literature 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Comparative Literature and World Literature 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree History of Chinese Literary Thought 4 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Doctorate Degree Archeology 4 30000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Doctorate Degree History of China 4 30000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Doctorate Degree World History 4 30000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Doctorate Degree World Economy 4 30000 Chinese Japan Research Institute Balitai
Doctorate Degree Chinese and Foreign Political Systems 4 30000 Chinese Japan Research Institute Balitai
Doctorate Degree International Politics 4 30000 Chinese Japan Research Institute Balitai
Doctorate Degree International Relations 4 30000 Chinese Japan Research Institute Balitai
Doctorate Degree World History 4 30000 Chinese Japan Research Institute Balitai
Doctorate Degree Marxist Philosophy 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Chinese Philosophy 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Foreign Philosophy 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Logic 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Ethics 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Aesthetics 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Religious Studies 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Philosophy of Science and Technology 4 30000 Chinese Academy of Philosophy Jinnan
Doctorate Degree English Language and Literature 4 30000 English School of Foreign Languages Balitai
Doctorate Degree Russian Language and Literature 4 30000 Russian School of Foreign Languages Balitai
Doctorate Degree Japanese Language and Literature 4 30000 Japanese School of Foreign Languages Balitai
Doctorate Degree Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 4 30000 English School of Foreign Languages Balitai
Doctorate Degree Legal History 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Constitution and Administrative Law 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Criminal Law 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Civil and Commercial Law 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Economic Law 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree International Law 4 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Political Theory 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Chinese and Foreign Political Systems 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree International Relations 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Sociology 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Demography 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Anthropology 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Social Psychology 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Social Work and Social Policy 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Administrative Management 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Educational Economy and Management 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Urban Development and Management 4 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Finance 4 30000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Insurance 4 30000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Actuarial Science 4 30000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Doctorate Degree Political Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree History of Economic Thought 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Economic History 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Western Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree World Economy 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Regional Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Public Finance 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Finance 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Industrial Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree International Trade 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Labor Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Quantitative Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Urban Economics 4 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Doctorate Degree Management Science and Engineering 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Accounting 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Enterprise Management 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Technical Economy and Management 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Corporate Governance 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Library Science 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Information Science 4 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Doctorate Degree Tourism management 4 30000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Management Balitai
Master Degree Fundamental Mathematics 3 30000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Master Degree Probability/Statistics 3 30000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Master Degree Applied Mathematics 3 30000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Master Degree Theoretical Physics 3 30000 Chinese Chern Institute of Mathematics Balitai
Master Degree Fundamental Mathematics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Numerical Mathematics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Probability/Statistics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Applied Mathematics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Bioinformatics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Mathematical Economics 3 30000 Chinese School of Mathematical Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Theoretical Physics 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Particle and Nuclear Physics 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Condensed Matter Physics 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Optics 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Physics of Life Information 3 30000 Chinese School of Physics Balitai
Master Degree Condensed Matter Physics 3 30000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Master Degree Optics 3 30000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Master Degree Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology 3 30000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Applied Physics TEDA
Master Degree Optical Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Electronic Science and Technology 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Information and Communication Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree New Generation of Electronic Information Technology 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Communication Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Integrated Circuit Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Photo-Electronic Information Engineering 3 35000 English School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Software Engineering 2 30000 English Software Institute Jinnan
Master Degree Ecology 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Environmental Science 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Environmental Engineering 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Environmental Management and Economics 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Resource Recycling Science and Engineering 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Environmental Science 3 35000 English College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Environmental Engineering 3 30000 Chinese College of Environmental Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Inorganic Chemistry 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Analytical Chemistry 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Organic Chemistry 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Physical Chemistry 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Polymer Chemistry/Physics 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Chemical Biology 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Refined Chemicals 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Chemical Engineering 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Phytopathology 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Agricultural Insects and Pest Control 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Agricultural Pharmacology 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Resource Utilization and Plant Protection 3 30000 Chinese College of Chemistry Balitai
Master Degree Material Physics/Chemistry 3 30000 Chinese School of Materials Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Material Science 3 30000 Chinese School of Materials Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Material Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Materials Science and Engineering Jinnan
Master Degree Biomedical Polymer Materials 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Botany 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Zoology 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Microbiology 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Genetics 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Cell Biology 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Department of Biochemistry) 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(Department of Material) 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Bioengineering 3 30000 Chinese College of Life Sciences Balitai
Master Degree Microbiology 3 30000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology TEDA
Master Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3 30000 Chinese TEDA Institute of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology TEDA
Master Degree Pharmaceutical Engineering 3 30000 Chinese School of Pharmacy Jinnan
Master Degree Pharmaco chemistry 3 30000 Chinese School of Pharmacy Jinnan
Master Degree Pharmaco gnosy 3 30000 Chinese School of Pharmacy Jinnan
Master Degree Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy  3 30000 Chinese School of Pharmacy Jinnan
Master Degree Physiology 3 30000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Food nutrition and Health 3 30000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Food Science 3 30000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Food Safety 3 30000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Human Anatomy and Histology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Immunology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Pathogenic biology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Pathology and Pathophysiology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Medical Physiology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Internal Medicine 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Geriatrics 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Surgery 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Oncology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Clinical Stomatology 3 40000 Chinese Medical School Jinnan
Master Degree Chinese Teaching and Research as a Second Language 2 30000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Master Degree Research on Second Language Acquisition 2 30000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Language Communication and Culture 2 30000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Master Degree Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 3 26000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Lexicology 3 26000 Chinese College of Chinese Language and Culture Balitai
Master Degree Literature and Art 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Lexicology 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Ancient Philology 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Ancient Literature 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Chinese Minority Language and Literature 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Comparative Literature and World Literature 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Literary criticism and Creation 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Journalism 3 26000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree News and Communication 2 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Publishing 2 30000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Artistic Theory 3 40000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Fine Arts 3 40000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Design 3 40000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Environmental Art Design 2 40000 Chinese School of Literature Balitai
Master Degree Specialized Archaeology and Cultural Relics Research 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Chinese Archaeology and Ancient Material Culture 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Cultural Heritage Research and Protection 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Museology Theory and Museum Practice 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Ancient Chinese History 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Modern Chinese History 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree World Ancient and Medieval History 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree World Modern History 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Regional and National History 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree History of Modern International Relations 3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Cultural relics and Museum  3 26000 Chinese College of History Jinnan
Master Degree Japanese Economy 3 26000 Chinese Japan Institute Balitai
Master Degree Japanese Diplomacy 2 30000 Chinese Japan Institute Balitai
Master Degree East Asian International Relations 2 30000 Chinese Japan Institute Balitai
Master Degree Japanese History 3 26000 Chinese Japan Institute Balitai
Master Degree Marxist philosophy 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Chinese Philosophy 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Western Philosophy 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Logics 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Ethics 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Aesthetics 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Religious Studies 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree Philosophy of Science and Technology 3 26000 Chinese Faculty of Philosophy Jinnan
Master Degree English Language and Literature 3 35000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree English Language and Literature (Glasgow) 2 50000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Russian Language and Literature 3 26000 Russian College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Japanese Language and Literature 3 26000 Japanese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 3 35000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Country and Regional Studies 3 26000 Italian, French, Spanish College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree English Translation 2 30000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree English Interpretation 2 30000 English College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Japanese Interpretation 2 30000 Japanese College of Foreign Languages Balitai
Master Degree Law Theory 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree History of Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Constitution and Administrative law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Criminal Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Civil and Commercial Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Procedural Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Economic Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Environment and Resources Protection Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree International Law 2 30000 Chinese School of Law Jinnan
Master Degree Political Theory 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Sino-Foreign Politicical System 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree National Security 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree International Politics 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree International Relations 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree International Relations (Glasgow) 2 50000 English Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Diplomacy 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree International Affair and Public Policy 2 35000 English Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Sociology 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Demography 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Anthropology 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Social Work and Social Policy 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree General Psychology 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Applied Psychology 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Administrative Management 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Educational Economy and Management 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Social Security 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Public Policy 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Urban development and management 2 30000 Chinese Zhou Enlai School of Government Jinnan
Master Degree Finance 3 26000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Insurance 3 26000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Financial Engineering 3 26000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Actuarial Science 3 26000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Finance 2 48000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Actuarial Science 2 48000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Insurance 2 48000 Chinese School of Finance Jinnan
Master Degree Political Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree History of Economic Thought 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree History of Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Western Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree World Economy 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Population, Resources and Environment 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Regional Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Regional Economics (Glasgow) 2 50000 English School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Fiscal Science 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Finance 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Industrial Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree International Trade 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Labor Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Quantitative Econometrics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Urban Economics 3 26000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Taxation 2 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree International Business 2 30000 Chinese School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree International Business 2 35000 English School of Economics Balitai
Master Degree Management Science and Engineering 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Accounting 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Enterprise Management 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Corporate Governance 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Human Resources Management 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Library Science 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Information Science 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Archival Science 2 30000 Chinese Business School Balitai
Master Degree Services and Leisure Management 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
Master Degree Tourism Business Strategy and Innovation 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
Master Degree Tourism Big Data and Decisions 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
Master Degree Tourism Geography and Planning 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
Master Degree Exhibition Economy and Management 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
Master Degree Tourism Destination marketing and management 3 26000 Chinese College of Tourism and Service Jinnan
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